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    Technical Description

    VE series single shaft compressors are designed with single inlet, multi-stages, high-speed, driven by motor through gearbox or by high-speed steam turbine directly.

    Technical Specifications

    Impeller Diameter(mm)

    Inlet Flow(m³/h)







    Application Cases

    Case 01

    VE-MC457 Rich Gas Compressor
    Rich gas compressor for 600,000-3,000,000T/A delayed coking unit.

    Case 02

    VE-MC406/A Circulating Hydrogen Compressor
    Circulating hydrogen compressor for 400,000-5,000,000t/y hydrogenation unit.

    Areas of Applications


    ● Oil & Gas Production Onshore or Offshore
    ● Natural Gas on Transportation and Storage
    ● LNG Production
    ● Petrochemical Project
    ● PDH Olefins and PDH
    ● Oil Refineries
    ● Fertilizer Project
    ● Methanol Production