

High quality


Product Category

We strive to promote high-quality, high-performance parts and consumables, especially in automotive safety, we focus on important safety-related parts, such as parts in brakes.

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    Suihung will forward your question(s) to the relevant experts in our global organization, and we will contact you within 1–2 days.

    Electrical Instruments


    Motors, Controllers, Batteries, Chargers, Converters, Flashers, Lamps, Horns, Cable wires, etc.

    Body Components


    Frames, Front forks, Handlebars, Rear flat forks, Rear hangers, Saddles, Centre axles, Shock absorbers, Wheels, Body coverings, etc.

    Operating Brakes


    Governor handle, Brake handle, Brake cable, Brake, Switch, etc.

    Other General Parts


    Flywheel, Chain, Chain adjuster, Rear tailgate, Bumper, Mirrors, etc.

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